Hi folks! You’ll recall Dory…now ‘Tess’…who arrived from Korea two years ago in February, and was promptly lost in the Gloucester Industrial Park area in Langley by her adoptive parent who had just picked her up at the airport. She spent five cold nights in the wilds of that area, and then was found by a Mission woman, standing in the middle of the road. She eventually ended up back with TDIAO Foster Parents  for a couple of weeks, and you folks kindly considered US as her permanent adoptive parents.

Two years ago today, she moved in with us…and promptly took over the house!…so since this is her ‘Gotcha Day’, we thought we’d provide you with an update.

The first photo shows her in a typical ‘travelling’ pose in her car seat, the second shows her today, and the fourth shows her ‘business card’, as she is a fully qualified Therapy Dog, for both adults and children, with the St. John’s Ambulance folks.

Tess came into our home with our elderly golden retriever Sassy who was struggling with cancer at the age of 12, and she learned all the tricks of the trade, how to wrap Mom and Dad around her tiny paws, how to look cute, etc., etc., etc. Sassy passed away two months later, and when we came home without her, Tess whimpered all over the house looking for her older sister. But she quickly assumed her position as an ‘only dog’, and has ruled the roost ever since.

She came to us as a seven month old 9 pound puppy, and she now checks in as a full-grown 15 pound delight, healthy and happy. She loves her daily walks in the Park…sometimes TWO walks!…and has a legion of fans who love her bouncy, happy personality. She’s seen her foster parents a few times over the past two years, and always is so happy to be with them again. She qualified as a Therapy Dog, first with adults, then with children, and she visits an elementary school on a weekly ‘Reading Program’ where struggling readers are thrilled to ‘read’ to her while she licks them and cuddles up. Twice monthly, she visits the Library at Fraser Valley University to greet students there. She also visits the Mission Library regularly, where families schedule a visit with her along with picking up books.

Tess is a very happy little girl, no more so than when someone comes to visit, and she can’t wait for them to get inside the door so she can charm them with her licks and cuddles.

So, she’s a real ‘success story’ for TDIAO, and is ‘living life large’ a couple of years down the road. We’re thrilled with her, and thank you, again, for giving us the opportunity to have her in our lives. She’s a winner, all the way! She sleeps on her Daddy’s feet every night, loves her regular treats, and enjoys her life every single day.