Nov 2022
“ …please thank all of the volunteers that work so hard to bring in dogs looking for a new family. As a foster parent we are so grateful for the support that Marion provides while a foster is in our care and to the volunteers that go through the applications for that right match. So happy with the people that successfully adopted our fosters. We want to thank everyone at TDIAO for the support Hera has received.
Our little girl Hera knows she is loved and I once heard a dog chooses their owner. I know with Hera it happened on the 2nd night of caring for her.
She is doing well and so happy that her ear infection cleared up after 2 1/2 months and is holding. Even though it was painful she trusted me to clean and put the antibiotics in her ear. Hera has always been a sweet little girl but now that she’s feeling better, everyday we see a happiness in her from the time she gets up, doing what I call is her “happy dance”. She likes her routines knowing her food is coming, going out for walks, chilling out in the family room near the fireplace and car rides. Both Hera and Paco love their carrot treats.(1st picture of Paco and Hera waiting for their carrot treats)
Hera loves her brother Paco and even though she has her own bed she will squeeze in to sleep with him. She may be small but she likes to push her way to the door to be the first one out. They are perfect together.
Looking forward to the many years ahead loving both Paco and Hera and having them in our Family.”